Monthly Budgets

This is a collection of items you can choose from over the course of the month. It’s meant to help cover all of things you’d usually expect if you were to work from an office. Coffee, snack, stables, the whole nine.

No Rollover

There’s no rollover. This isn’t meant to be a cash benefit. It’s budget for you to get the things you need every month. It’s monthly to help make the potential expense for you company predictable.

Spend what you need

Don’t feel pressured to stay well below your budget. The amount allocated is the amount that’s expected to be spent. At the same time, be smart about how you spend it. You’re being trusted to make your own decisions. i.e. don’t blow your budget on beef jerky and then have to exceed your budget to buy batteries at the end of the month.

Office Gear

You’re no longer expected to fund your home office.

But much like an office, you don’t own all the stuff you’re furnishing it with—the company owns some things.

Quantity Limits

There’s a cap on how much office gear you can buy within a category. Once you reach the limit, you can’t purchase from the category anymore, it will be hidden from your view.

Renewal Periods

Some categories will have a renewal period. When this expires, the you’ll be able to order new items items from this category.

Company Owned Gear

Gear you get that’s owned by the company is tracked for its lifetime. Your company can ask for these items back, or gift them to you at any time.

Keeping your stuff

Leaving the company is one of the events where your company may ask for your items back. In this event, you’ll be blocked from making new purchases, but your account will remain open until an action has been taken on all company owned items.

Your company may chose to just give you these items.